• Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other form of treatment and is beyond doubt safer and more economical.Mahatma Gandhi
  • Homeopathy is the safest and more reliable approach to ailments and has withstood the assaults of established medical practice for over 100 years


HMAI has its State Branches in most of the States of India '& its local units' in about 300 important cities.


  • 15 or more Primary/Life Members who reside, practice or are employed in a place or its neighborhood, or otherwise convenient to the members, may form themselves into the General Body of a Unit, subject to the recognition by the National Executive Committee. Provided in remote places or small villages where adequate number of Homoeopathic Practitioner are not available, Centre may permit, as a special case on recommendation of the State Branch, the formation of a Unit with not less than 8 Primary Members.
  • All units shall be attached to the Branches concerned or if there be no State Branch, to the Centre.
  • An Executive Committee of not more than 7 members; provided this shall necessarily include minimum of 1 Life Member, if available, on the roll of unit or attached to and presents himself at the meeting.
  • The Executive Committee (UEC) shall elect the office bearers : President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, or other office bearers as may be necessary.



  • A State Branch shall be formed when 5 or more Units in a State are formed and duly recognized by the Centre.
  • The General Body of the state shall be called the State Council and shall be constituted with:
    - Representatives elected and deputed by the Units.
    - Life Members residing in the State.
  • On formation of a new branch, two from amongst the Life Members of the State shall be elected for the State Executive Committee, by the State Council.
  • The State Executive Committee shall be composed of the following:
    - Life Members elected.
    - Representatives elected by the Units.



All the members of all the Units of the Association shall form the General Body of the Association. For all practical purposes the National Council as constituted shall be the General Body.

FORMATION:National Council shall be composed of the following

  1. All life members.
  2. All representatives of the Units elected under rule 14.4.5.
  3. 2 representatives from each of the Standing Committees.
  4. Immediate Past President and Immediate Past Secretary General.



All the members of the National Executive Committee including the Office Bearers shall be primarily members of the National Council.

FORMATION : National Executive Committee shall consist of

  1. The members elected by the representative National Council Members from each State under rule 16.6.
  2. Immediate Past President and Immediate Past Secretary General. They become National Executive Committee members, when new National Executive Committee meets for electing office bearers in its first meeting, following biennial Congress.
  3. 3 Life Members elected from amongst themselves after Biennial Congress.
  4. One member from each of the four Standing Committees, preferably the Chairman
  5. Not more than 3 members to be nominated by the new National Executive Committee.



The following Office Bearers of the association shall be elected by the National Executive Committee from amongst its members in the 1st meeting of members of new National Executive Committee held after the Biennial Congress.

  1. President
  2. Deputy President
  3. Secretary General
  4. Joint Secretaries General (3)
  5. Treasurer



National Executive Committee members of each of the stipulated Zones shall elect the following Zonal Office Bearers from respective zones at the time of the meeting held for elections.

  1. Zonal Vice Presidents (6 - one from each zone)
  2. Zonal Organizing Secretaries General (6 - one from each zone)



For the purpose of effective organization the country shall be divided into following zones

Zone 1 : Madhaya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Chattisgarh & Jharkhand.

Zone 2 : West Bengal, Assam, Sikkim, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Zone 3 : Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal.

Zone 4 : Haryana, Punjab, Chandigarh, Himanchal Pradesh, Ladakh and Jammu & Kashmir.

Zone 5 : Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Diu, Daman and Dadra Nagar Haveli and Rajasthan.

Zone 6 : Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Pondichery, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Lakshdveep.

In addition to its three tier setup of local, State Branch and National character HMAI has a provision of some important auxiliary bodies like Advisory Council, Steering Committee as well as four strong standing committees with their specific working areas:

  1. Scientific Standing Committee
  2. Journal Standing Committee
  3. Constitution Standing Committee
  4. Finance Standing Committee

There is a provision of following sub committees

  1. Ethical Code
  2. Medical Relief
  3. Publication
  4. Editors
  5. Education
  6. Research
  7. Ladies
  8. Pharmacy etc.

HMAI has separate wings for teachers, students and pharmacists etc.

Our teachers' wing has organized All India Seminar of Teachers for providing them more awareness about new teaching techniques. Teachers wing of Karnataka and West Bengal State Branches are very active. Rest of the state branches and their teachers wings are slowly getting momentum.

HMAI has provision of its election commission for conducting entire election process smoothly at Local, State and Central level.

In case of any election dispute provision of tribunal is in the constitution.

Note :
A. Consult constitution of the H.M.A.I. for detailed information.
B. Request Secretary General for obtaining constitution.

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